Tag Archives: social media

A B2B Social Media Approach

11 Dec

Before you go ahead and read, we’ve summed the entire article up in one visual. This picture incorporate all 5 of those aspects fundamental to creating and managing a successful social media strategy. Go ahead an keep a copy if it helps!

5 Reasons Why Social Media Is NOT Helping Your Content Marketing Results

8 Sep

So here’s a question for you. How can B2B marketers be so gung-ho about content marketing, but still seem so lukewarm on social media? Isn’t social media the “marketing” in content marketing? Or is content marketing just about creating relevant and helpful content that you then blast to your email list, push via your website, and hand off to the lead generation networks?

Marketing Divaz Launches New LinkedIn Group Focused on Online Marketing and Social Media

24 Jul

As the importance and impact of social media to businesses’ bottom lines continues to grow, the Marketing Divaz Online Marketing & Social Media Strategies Group is a new resource to keep up with the ever-changing online marketing platforms.

Who should manage social media marketing in your business?

23 Jul

If you’re at a point in your business where you’re trying to decide who should manage your social presence, you’ve probably been doing your fair share of worrying.

Who should manage social media marketing in your business?

19 Jul

If you’re at a point in your business where you’re trying to decide who should manage your social presence, you’ve probably been doing your fair share of worrying. After all, social media horror stories abound.

Creating a Social Media Policy

13 Jun

There’s no point in waiting for something to go wrong before you create such a policy, especially if more than one person in your company is promoting your business online or interacting with clients/customers online. Negative press can be controlled by having a clearly defined social policy.

13 Signs your Online Presence Sucks

12 Jun

If you’re wondering whether your website needs an update or whether you need a bit of constructive feedback, this post if for you. While every business is different, as is every target audience, there are a few blanket rules that apply to almost all industries.